Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Blog 7 Research Plan

I would like to research language and how it affects the way we perceive each other. I would like to focus on the African American community. The idea that Ebonics is a form of broken English used to communicate in a percieved slang manner in the African American community or is it a  restructed form of English used by AA in opposition to the white form of english. The use of language in the African American community is a sensitive topic in terms of race. Speaking in white form of English can be considered to parts of the African American community as "acting white". The use of Ebonics or an AA form of english or ebonics can be considered to non African American as "ignorant".

Some questions I will have toward my topic are:

Is Ebonics a form of the english language or is it a slang?
Do you need to know proper english to fit into society, if you are a minority?
What context do people use Ebonics in shcool, or at home, or the office and to what extent?
Should Ebonics be taught in school?

In developing a research plan I would:
  • Outline the topic
  • research articles on the topic and other works in the field.
  • Develop how my data will expound upon or differ from the sources researched.
  • I will pose a question and show evdidence to be considered.
  • Methods of research include, interviews, surveys etc..
  • Development of topic based on all coded data and themes to form a hypothesis and conclusion.

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