Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Blog 2 Analysis

Analysis is taking a set of data and comparing and contrasting it to come up with a result that will prove or disapprove an idea. Analysis looks at data and breaks it down into components that will help come to some conclusion in defining the data. In class we looked at a sort of puzzle with a missing peice and had to come up with what piece was missing based on data already presented. We looked at the content such as the shapes, colors and orientation of the puzzle. As a group the most important part was analyzing the data and looking for patters to complete the puzzle. We had to come up with ideas and test our theories which is an important part of anylizing data.
In researching my topic of interest writing, I can look at different pieces and compare their gramatical styles, vernacular style, language usage and overall context. That is breaking it down into components. Trying these different aspects of writing and applying them to my creative process would help become a better writer which is my overall goal.

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